Friday, April 27, 2012

Buried Treasure

Scrolling through MH$P this morning I found an ad for this guy
This is "Buried Treasure", a run of 62 models that were supposedly found in the Breyer vault and were up for grabs yesterday for Collector's Club Members. As far as I know, there was no email or any other notification sent out, he was just there on the website. He's all sold out by now of course, so I have no clue what he went for. I think he's lovely, but I'm sure I couldn't have afforded him anyway. Besides, I was too busy yesterday teaching Whiskey to jump over a log! SO MUCH FUN!!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's "Dead Week" here on campus, and I've yet to figure out exactly why we call it that. It's the week before finals and the idea is that professors lay off the tests this week. No one wants anything to do with classes by now...including studying for finals next we all just kind of look like zombies wandering around up here. Maybe that's where the idea came from.

Last week I focused on my real horse all week. The weather is finally nice and all I want to do lately is be outside! It was my cousins' daughter's birthday (just go with it) and she wanted to ride a horse. Of course, Whiskey and I volunteered for the job!

Here's the birthday girl with my awesome boy!

I have been slightly active in the hobby still (of couse!) The deal I was working on with my Earth model finally got wrapped up and I added some new models to my herd. 

The mustang is an old one. He even feels vintage. I LOVE him, from his rich old shading, to his handpainted mane and tail, to his faded dorsal stripe. After agonizing over a name, I decided on just Mustang Jake.

I'm starting to love the Big Ben mold after adding "Sugarfoot" to my collection. I'm really fond of my original Big Ben, who I named Ginger, and this guy shows off all the mold's good points even better.

Then there's "Sam". The Brown Sunshine mold is one of my favorites and I just need the spotted mule to complete my conga. Love those mules!!!

There's lots of hoopla in the hobby right now over the new announcements Breyer tossed out this weekend: the new Mother's Day Web SR and the TWO models of dressage star Totilas.


Here's "A Mother's Love", Whinny and Nicker. Because I have no $$$ to spare, I won't be entering for them. Unfortunately I quite like the pair! I do have the original Susecion and Le Fire, so I won't be too put out by missing on these. It'll be interesting to see how much they sell for second hand...I imagine the mark up will be pretty high judging from the popularity of the molds.

Then Breyer's making some new molds for Totalis, the Traditional size preview looks promising, he's in a very nice extended trot. I don't know if I'll need him, I'll wait until he comes out this Fall (email says November)

The other model of him is going to be released as 5" resin in a piaffe. I'm guessing it's going to be like the little Breeds of the World horses that they have out right now. I'm not a big fan of them...hoping it's a little fad like the creepy Classics with the hair and glass eyes that came out a few years back. 

I'm probably going to stay about where I am in the hobby for a while, I've got too much real horse stuff going on to concentrate on the plastics for a little while! So don't be surprised if the blog gets a little more in detail about Whiskey and everything else going on in life right now :o)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Equine Affair in Ohio

Every year this big, awesome event makes me wish that I lived somewhere else for a week or so. I'd LOVE to go to EA (all the horsies!!!), but it's too expensive for a college kid with a part time job and a horse. That seems to almost be my motto lately...

Anywho, the EA always includes Breyer goodies in person, and one of my "modelholic" Facebook friends who was lucky enough to get to attend has graciously given me permission to use her photos on this blog. (Thanks Heather!!!)

First off, the single day ticket Stablemates. I rather like the Clyde and the G4 Draft, the Belgian is pretty as well, and I'm not a fan of the Friesian.

This is Nugget, avaliable at BF, possible RR later this Fall??? He's on my gotta-get-it list, drool worthy dun!!!

There's lots more (the BF SRs all look very nice in person!) Here's just a few final photos for you. 
Union Jack, translucent BF "souvenir" model
Tunbridge Wells, another BF SR
Black Beauty, another BF "souvenir" model

Hope you enjoyed the photos and to everyone who got to see them in person, I'm jealous!

All photos credit: Heather Bruen. Thanks again!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I've come to the conclusion that the thing we refer to as "the sky" is actually the bottom of a vast ocean and that yesterday someone busted through it with a really big shotgun. And now it's leaking. Possibly forever.

Rain, and lots of it.

Growing up in a farming community, I appreciate the rain and what it does for the land, but that doesn't mean I like being out in it! Plus I really, really, don't like mud!

I'm pretty busy these days. I've got lots of little painting projects, books to read, classes to study for, work (as usual), lots going on with Whiskey, and  THE BIG MOVE is just around the corner. I'm starting to get that going-to-be-overwhelmed-soon feeling that comes at the end of every semester, only this time there's more on my plate.

My tax return came sooner than I expected, it's not a lot but it's something. It's a new pair of jeans and the rest is going to open a new account specifically for my animal expenses (horse, dog, cats, fish, gecko...)

Whiskey got a surprise yesterday. Me, my uncle, and Natalie hauled her little Russian Arabian gelding, Sunny, out to Wellsville in preparation for THE BIG MOVE. Whiskey was pretty excited to have another "big horse" in the pasture with him. Sunny was more interested in the grass.
(I had plans to take photos and share them here, but it was raining.)

As far as the model horse stuff, I've got 3 Stablemates that have been commissioned to take up my time, but I'm still waiting for 2 of the bodies in the mail. Plus the reference photos need to be printed out, and colors need to be mixed/found.
I also finally caved and bought my Brookside, who I promptly dubbed "The Pink Panther." He's a looker!
The new Appaloosa twins are really nice too, I paid them off and got to take them home last week. Finding the perfect family for them was easier than I imagined, it was like destiny! (I know that sounded cheesy, but really, that's what it was like!)

Now I've got some Walkaloosa twins!

I was surprised to find that the bay blanket insists he is a colt. Now I just need to decide what to name them, something sorta matching I suppose since they're twins, but I don't know how to get it to fit with the parents' names as well (dad is Enchanter and mom is Nancy Drew...oh, boy...)

Well, I guess i'd better get back to the reference photos for the little customs. I'd like to finish them before THE BIG MOVE.

Happy trails!