Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I can't believe I didn't post this earlier!

Ok, ok, sometimes I'm a little scatterbrained. 
But really, how did I forget this one???

Two weeks ago, I helped out an artist friend with an Equine Illustration class she's teaching this semester. (I just spelled 5 words wrong in that sentence!!! Thank goodness for spell check)

I took a dozen assorted Traditional models from my collection to the class and they got to draw them.  My live show string stayed at home of course, all these horses have a few blemishes. 

My roommate and friend, Natalie drawing "TizNow Sassy", my Ruffian.

Here's my friend Nancy teaching some students

"Charlie McGinley" posing nicely for a student

It was a bunch of fun! I was invited to return in April with some more ponies on the day they get to attempt  sculpting. I plan on bringing some of the more basic molds for that day :o)

I'm a fairly decent artist as far as drawing horses is concerned, but I don't like drawing from models, I can never get them looking "just right" and it always bugs me!

Has anyone else ever tried drawing from a Breyer model? 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Breyerfest SRs 2012

Remember that post I did on tail changes? I forgot the very first one!

(c) Hilary Hurley(c) Janice Cox

The Sherman Morgan got a tail makeover in 2000, and I rather like the new tail better!

And it looks like Breyer is finally starting to indulge collectors with some photos of the new Breyerfest SRs for the coming July.

There's the usual  collector complaining. Personally I like Taskin and Aintree, and I love White Park cattle, that bull is rather nice looking. Luckily none of them are desperately calling to join my herd, since I won't be attending BF this year. 

Living in the Western United States has it's perks, but a short drive to Kentucky isn't one of them. Visiting "the horse capitol of the world" and Breyerfest is for sure on my bucket list, but it's not in my budget. Someday...

My disappointment for the week: June's Breyer Blossoms horse. Yuck! Good thing I don't really collect deorators (though I had thought that a birthday month horse would be cool). I don't like the mare much at all. Actually, I don't like most of the birth month horses. Not the program for me!

Here is June's horse. Maybe if she was a Traditional, a different mold, something, anything...

Well, it's off to class for me now, then heading over to spend some time with my gelding. 
Any day with my horse is a good day :o)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Odds N' Ends

Isn't that post title a good horse name?

Well things have been going along nicely here. My Shockwave has arrived in all his glossy dapple grey awesome-ness (even my non-horsie roommates love him!). He's a little yellow from being in that box (and probably storage) for so long, but that's nothing a little sunshine can't fix!

My newest Mesteno's Mother, the early version of The Dawning set with the gray shading came as well, so that  makes my conga total 13 mares. That's every OF ever released (including the un-documented mold variation, who is LSP by the way)  and one CM! 
*insert slightly evil giggles here*

The USPS website says my Diablo was delivered today (and my roommate just texted me letting me know I got another box today) so that makes it three days in a row that I've gotten horses in the mail!!! 

It's euphoric :D

I promise to have photos sometime...especially of my updated congas (13 in each now)


This adorable Longhorn and two G2 Stock Horses will soon join the herd as well!

...and this set. I'm keeping the horses and the rider (Trad size youth rider). That palomino Duchess will make a great momma for my orphan buckskin foal! I used my $10 JAH credit to discount this set, so I figured it was well worth it. 


Anyone want some 2012 Mystery Foals spoilers???

I plan on for sure getting the Peruvian Paso/Paint set, especially after seeing the gorgeous foal. Maybe the others will come home with me as well. Now here's what I'm wondering: Are these the only 3 foals out there? Or are other possibilities going to pop up later in the year???

I usually wait for other people to get the new releases before I ever buy them. I like collector photos better than Breyer's stock photos, and I prefer to hand pick my models right off the store shelves. This year I've gone against that a little and pre-ordered Joey, and now I'm drooling over all the Brooksides that collectors are posting photos of. 

photo credit- Heather Bruen, used with permission

He's so cute! And I love roans, and I need another pony (I only have three ponies in my entire collection...how did this happen?)
I'm waiting for now (I've bought way too many lately and still have an Arabian halter set in the works that I'll have to pay for) and hopefully he doesn't jack up in price too soon. He'd make a great Valentine...

*hint, hint*

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pink Stuff

The Collector's Club Valentines Day SR has arrived!!!

I'm just not a deco fan, and this one has me feeling the same way. She's cute, but not $125 cute...
and I don't like Valentines day much
Good luck to all those planning to enter for her!!!

Things have been fairly exciting here as far as plastic ponies go. I'm expecting my Shockwave in the next few days, the early variation of The Dawning sometime soon, and my 13th Cody model not too far in the future. :o)

And I'm on the hunt for a mare for my poor Classics buckskin AQH foal, and a buckskin Little Bit of some kind (or maybe the blue roan pinto draft horse LB)

And, look what I found yesterday


These came from Micheal's (craft stores...they are dangerous to any budget!) 
It was a case of I saw them and had to have them. 

Not Breyer, not even normal plastic. I'm not sure what they are except for AWESOME! 
I'v already made some improvements to the pegasus's paint job on his face. but for some reason I just loved these guys! Now they need names :o)

I'd love any comments/suggestions/etc.

Does anyone read this blog?


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A trio of fillies

I have too much time on my hands right this second.

Here's something interesting

Havre de Grace, Horse of the Year

Another filly wins HOY...the last two filly winners were made in to models.

 Rachel Alexandra, 2009

 Zenyatta, 2010

HAVRE DE GRACE WINS HORSE OF THE YEAR  [ insert photo of a filly on the Smarty Jones mold here] Harvre de Grace, 2011

It's a speculation, a possibly. We'll just have to wait and see!

Made for Each Other

Drum roll please...


My long-awaited models have arrived! They actually came on Saturday, and it actually didn't take that long, but still...it's like Christmas in January :o)

Yes, it's the coveted original Susecion and Le Fire (mint and complete with the hang tag...which I dumbly forgot to photograph) These two are another "I-really-want-that-but-can't-afford-it" model horse story with a happy ending that just involved finding the right seller. I paid an awesomely lower than usual amount for them and am VERY happy with the set. I'm almost jealous of myself...

I immediately proceeded to take more photos of them than I'll ever know what to do with.
experiments with different lighting in the barn

a nice head shot of the pair

I'm tickled over these two. I'll probably be getting a nice pair of Arabian halters made for them, preferably with lots of tassels in some awesome color combinations. 

And they need new names (I'm not even sure I'm pronouncing their current names right)

So, to celebrate the arrival of a new mare/foal pair in the herd, I decided to take photos of all of my model horse pairs and families. A few hours later, I realized that was a bigger task than I originally thought. I have a lot of horses with significant other(s). It was interesting to see what happened, but I figured out why.

I've got a big fat rule that says no foals without moms. It's not natural. I also currently have one orphan foal. 
*hunt for the perfect mare begins now*

So (besides that one case) all my foals have moms. So many of my mares have foals, and sometimes a stallion is included in that mix. I also have a few mare/gelding buddy pairs. 

I've also got categories

1) Sold as a Pair/Set 
These tend to stay together from when I get them

2) Sold Separately
I only have a few that I know Breyer made to go together but they were sold apart

3) Colors or Molds "work" together
The colors are genetically possible or the mold were made to look good together

4) Cases of Randomness
Why on Earth did these models "click"?

Here's a few examples of each

1) Poco Bueno, Alondra, and Rucio
2) Buttercup and Bucky
3) Rebel, Meaneva, and Chip
4) Gun A Win (QH gelding) & Nancy Drew (TWH mare)

If you'd like to see the rest of my Breyer families (for now), feel free to follow this link to my Facebook photo album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150492214631569.359231.551386568&type=1&l=4788a3ef1a

Now, it's off to search for a mom for a certain foal!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Trust, Treasure, and Tails

Ok first of all, look at this:
 print of his head in the snow :o)

This is my boy Whiskey yesterday. I've heard/read several times that it's a great display of trust for a horse to let someone go right up to them while they're laying down and feel more vulnerable. This is the second time he's let me come right up and pet him and take some photos. Maybe he just knows I'm too excited about him letting me get close to worry about me actually doing anything serious. (I'm pretty sure he's got me labeled as "that dorky kid who feeds me and tags along when we go exploring" At least that's the vibe I get sometimes) 

That just made my day :o)

Now on to the plastic versions...

I've been so excited over the new 2012 releases (and the older releases I'm adding to my collection) that I almost forgot about the annual TREASURE HUNT!!! 
*insert sparkles here*
I've loved the idea since they started it...I think it's time for a history lesson!

2006 Treasure Hunt (the one that started it all)
Mold: Lady Phase
Theme: was there a theme? Collect them all!
Horses to Buy: Chestnut, Grey, Palomino Paint, Black Appy
Prize Model: Wedgewood blue LP
Variations: models came with both short tails and the new long tail, gold charm appaloosa, glossy honey bay
The grey and pinto are both on my wanted list, preferably with the long tail. 

2007 Treasure Hunt
Mold: Silver
Theme: Where in the World is Mystical Pegasus? 
Horses to Buy: Sorrel Appy, Dun Sabino, Bay Paint, Rose Grey
Prize Model: Pegasus (duh)
Variations: silver filigree, glossy charcoal
I have the rose grey (pink!) and the dun sabino is on my wanted list

2008 Treasure Hunt
Mold: Huck Bey, Marabella, Ashley, Suscesion, Le Fire, Rejoice, Amber
Theme: Color Crazy (yay coat color genetics!!!)
Horses to Buy: All three mare and foal sets
Prize Model: Huck in black , mahogany bay, or honey bay
Variations: different mare and foal markings, different hucks
I don't have any of these and don't really want any either

2009 Treasure Hunt
Mold: Jumping Horse, Mustang, Wixom, Running Mare, assorted foal molds
Theme: Fun Foals
Horses to Buy: at least one stallion and one mare
Prize Model: one of many foal combinations
Variations: none in the regular models but there a TON of foals
Also own none of these...

2010 Treasure Hunt
Mold: Othello/Wintersong
Theme: The Four Seasons
Horses to Buy: Spring, Summer, Fall
Prize Model: Winter
Variations: glossy models
I have Fall and Spring (both matte) and I just haven't quite decided about Winter yet.

2011 Treasure Hunt
Mold: Weather Girl
Theme: Weather Girl
Horses to Buy: Thunderstorm, Sunny, Partly Cloudy
Prize Model: Rainbow
Variations: Glossy Rainbow, decorator Rainbow
I have Thunderstorm and Sunny

Now what about 2012???
Personally, I think that the "buy 3 or 4 and get one" works better than the confusing stuff they pulled with the stallion/mare/foal versions. There's just too much to even think about there! 
Did anyone else notice that the model prices went way up last year? When the Silvers and LPs were out there they were the cheaper Breyers on the shelves. Othellos were moderately priced. The Weather Girls were expensive! Maybe it's the mold going into the vault for 5 year thingy.
As far as the prize models go, so far there hasn't been a single one that I love, which is why I've never tried to complete an entire hunt. I don't collect (or even like) most decorators, so all those are out. The closest one so far was the Four Seasons, but Summer and Winter were just not my favorites, though Winter is looking more interesting as time goes on (and his price gets easier to swallow). 
I think a new 2012 Treasure Hunt is probably going to happen. It'll be interesting to see what Breyer has in store this year. Will it be limited colors, new molds, glossies, or modified favorites? On that note...

What is THAT!?! It's Hickstead...on the Trakhener mold with a NEW TAIL!!!

so...what do we think of this? They started out with the LPs in the 2006 Treasure Hunt  and gave the mold not one, but TWO new tails. 

(c) BreyerCollectables.com(c) Lori Hageman(c) Janice Cox
photos from ID Your Breyer


And then they got the Stock Horse Stallion involved with DZ Weedo

And THEN they started doing complete mane AND tail do-overs
(c) Hilary Hurley(c) Janice Coxphotos from ID Your Breyer

New tails...hmm...personally, I really like the vintage molds, funky short tails and all. Some of the new do's are quite nice as well. I don't know if I really like the LP with the swish tail very much, but I do like the look of the long tail, same on the SHS. I don't really like the POA's new look that well, but I do like Pippin. As far as the Trakhener goes...I LOVE IT! I've always like that nice old Warmblood mold except for the tail. And now there's a new tail! I don't really plan on adding Hickstead to my herd, but if they release a different color with the new tail, who knows? 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Death and Negativity

Alright, before you take one look at the title and run away screaming...it's not as bad as it sounds.

My black moor goldfish, Telescope, swam over the rainbow bridge sometime last night. He'd been progressively getting worse every week (swim bladder/fish bloat disease--mostly un-treatable and not contagious) and I knew it was coming, but it's still sad. Why am I so attached to all my critters, even the fish?

On to the next topic: negativity. I noticed on the Facebook page of a Breyer vendor this morning that they had posted the photo of the Traditional size War Horse model and collectors were again spewing the same complaints I seem to hear/read everywhere.

"the halter bothers me"
"I'm thinking of making a tack set...the tack will cover up the halter (hopefully)"
"ugly mold"
"I like Idocus better"
"the head is very square, I wish they would pick a different mold"
And my personal favorite: "i might get a rug with a hood that covers the face so you can't see the halter"

Doesn't that defeat the purpose of getting the model in the first place!?  What's the point of having one that you can't even see??? I generally try to be a positive person and see the good in the world. No, I don't like every Breyer model ever made, but I don't buy the ones I don't like. Period. I don't feel the need to complain about the mold, the shading, the eyes, the markings, the confirmation, and every other little detail that people like to pick apart on new releases as soon as the first stock photos come out.

What real-life horse is perfect anyway?

Do I have an opinion of the Man O War mold? You bet I do! I'd prefer no molded on tack any day, but on Joey I think it looks great. Breyer picked one of the best molds for him. He has a halter on practically the entire time anyway. I loved the movie and I want the model, so I pre-ordered him, molded on halter an all!

Personally, I really like a lot of the molds and models out there that most collectors love to pick apart and hate on (every Classic mold sculpted by Cheney  for example).

Expressing your opinion is your right and I respect that (and express my own often!) but it certainly seems that many opinions out there are negative! I'm still going to say whether I like a model and why or why not but I don't feel the need to complain complain complain about every detail.

If you don't like it, don't buy it!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Those Never-Ending Lines...

Conga. The word inspires visions of multiple colors, patterns, genders, mane/tails AND variations of all of the above all lined up neatly in a row of the same mold.

A fellow hobbiest once pointed out to me that a conga line involves individuals lined up head-to-tail (or front-to-back) and perhaps "chorus line" would be more appropriate. Either way, it's a lot of pony!

I conga the Mesteno's Mother/The Dawning mold and have every model ever released (including a LSP super-rare variation where the Ginger mold was replaced!!!). I'm currently working towards getting the early release mare with the shaded mane and tail.

                                                                                  ( rare mare^^^the bay sabino)

If you can't tell from the photo, I also conga the Cody mold. From my first (SR Banner, the HTF buckskin from that truck/trailer/vet set) I was hooked. I'm a pushover for stock horses. I'm only missing a few Codys--not counting those few BF Auction/Prize models that I just can't fathom spending $3000 for!

On top of those conga lines that have collectors going crazy, there's always all that other stuff we collect. Breyer makes it waaay too easy to put the ponies in to categories and then we (or is it just me?) just have to have all of the horses in that particular group. Think about it. There's sizes first (Trad, Class, LB...sorta..., SM) and THEN you really get into it.

Traditional Size>Stock Horses>Appaloosa> etc, etc, etc.
That's not even considering the particular mold! (obviously I think about this too much...)

I once decided that I wanted every horse Breyer ever slapped a buckskin/dun paint job on. I realized only recently that I just don't like some of those models despite the fact that they're my favorite color. I already have too many buckskins and duns in my herd anyways...maybe... I am biased though, if a mold in released in buckskin/dun, I'm probably going to want it...

And then there's all those other models that I/we want because of various other reasons.
And then there's THE HOLY GRAIL

I don't have one particular "holy grail" model. Instead I have a wanted list, a most wanted list, a top most wanted list, an i-wouldn't-mind-having list, and those horses that weren't on any list, I just randomly found them some obscure place and bought them :o)

And...to finish off, just because I'm WAY TOO EXCITED about new ponies...here's the photo that the seller emailed to me of one of my "coming soon" models from the top most wanted list:

Yep, it's Shockwave!!! I've been after one of these beauties for a while, even though I'm picky about both my greys and my glossies, something about him spoke to me the first time I saw one in a local store. He's pretty exciting, but he's not the best thing coming in the near future..........

stay tuned!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Back to Real Life...with ponies!

Here we go again.
I'm a full-time college student with a part time job and a 29 year old gelding.
Classes are back in session.
Need I say more?
The best thing is that I get to use the university's high speed internet in between classes. Makes for way too much time I can spend drooling over plastic horses...speaking of which...

I'm getting some of my "most-most wanted" models soon!
Not telling which yet, but I'll give some hints: There's a glossy FS, an early variation on a Classics mare that I have every release of, and a very hard to find mare and foal...any guesses?

I'm SO excited! *squee!*

Not to mention my pre-ordered War Horse model, Joey (if you haven't seen the movie, do it!) I hate Valentine's Day (what kind of holiday is this!?!) but this year I'll have something to look forward to in mid-February!

photo credit-The Playroom

Well, that's all for this post, I gotta run to class!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Obsession Begins

Capitol C Ranch is the name of my Breyer (and few other assorted models) collection. 
   feel free to read that again if it didn't sink in the first time. 

This blog is basically my canvas to spew any model horse-related jargon that I want! (which is great since my family thinks I'm crazy and I only have a few real-life model horse friends) Anyways...

It all began back in 2003 (ish) for me. Relatively speaking, I'm new in the hobby. Haven't even been at this for 10 years yet. And I haven't been a "serious" collector the whole time either. I played with them. A lot. 

Mt first Breyer was the Classics #652 Buckskin Pinto Stallion, who I named Firefly. (Kind of a funny conicidence since buckskin/dun was to become my favorite horse color a few years later when Whiskey came along)

He's well-loved.

My first Traditional size horse was actually 2 horses at once, given to me for Christmas from my parents (they had no idea what they were getting in to)

Biko and the Western Prancer Vigilante (who I renamed Gondwanan Vigilante...don't ask)

Stablemates weren't as fun back then so I only had a few. Nowdays I can't get enough of the little buggers!

I focused mainly on Classics (I could afford them sooner with my allowance) and soon I had a rather large "mustang herd".  I'll go into detail about them later. 

At last count, I had 290 models. That's not very many compared to a lot of collections, but it sure fills up my shelf space! 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day One--About Me

Alrighty, so I thought I'd give this blog thing a try...

This is going to be mostly a bunch of horse-related opinions, model horse nonsense, etc. etc.
Hopefully I can provide you with, at the very least, some random information for the day.

First of all, let me introduce myself. Hi.
My name is NaConi and I live in Utah in a quaint little valley (or two). I have a 29 year old dun mustang cross gelding named Whiskey and a 9(ish) year old Australian Cattle Dog named Buddy. I'm sure you'll hear waaay more about them than you'd ever need to. They're my best friends.
I'm also addicted to model horses, particularly Breyer model horses. Not kidding.

That's my boy in Oct/Nov 2011.
I guess that's enough for right now, I'll need some time to get the hang of this.