Thursday, January 12, 2012

Trust, Treasure, and Tails

Ok first of all, look at this:
 print of his head in the snow :o)

This is my boy Whiskey yesterday. I've heard/read several times that it's a great display of trust for a horse to let someone go right up to them while they're laying down and feel more vulnerable. This is the second time he's let me come right up and pet him and take some photos. Maybe he just knows I'm too excited about him letting me get close to worry about me actually doing anything serious. (I'm pretty sure he's got me labeled as "that dorky kid who feeds me and tags along when we go exploring" At least that's the vibe I get sometimes) 

That just made my day :o)

Now on to the plastic versions...

I've been so excited over the new 2012 releases (and the older releases I'm adding to my collection) that I almost forgot about the annual TREASURE HUNT!!! 
*insert sparkles here*
I've loved the idea since they started it...I think it's time for a history lesson!

2006 Treasure Hunt (the one that started it all)
Mold: Lady Phase
Theme: was there a theme? Collect them all!
Horses to Buy: Chestnut, Grey, Palomino Paint, Black Appy
Prize Model: Wedgewood blue LP
Variations: models came with both short tails and the new long tail, gold charm appaloosa, glossy honey bay
The grey and pinto are both on my wanted list, preferably with the long tail. 

2007 Treasure Hunt
Mold: Silver
Theme: Where in the World is Mystical Pegasus? 
Horses to Buy: Sorrel Appy, Dun Sabino, Bay Paint, Rose Grey
Prize Model: Pegasus (duh)
Variations: silver filigree, glossy charcoal
I have the rose grey (pink!) and the dun sabino is on my wanted list

2008 Treasure Hunt
Mold: Huck Bey, Marabella, Ashley, Suscesion, Le Fire, Rejoice, Amber
Theme: Color Crazy (yay coat color genetics!!!)
Horses to Buy: All three mare and foal sets
Prize Model: Huck in black , mahogany bay, or honey bay
Variations: different mare and foal markings, different hucks
I don't have any of these and don't really want any either

2009 Treasure Hunt
Mold: Jumping Horse, Mustang, Wixom, Running Mare, assorted foal molds
Theme: Fun Foals
Horses to Buy: at least one stallion and one mare
Prize Model: one of many foal combinations
Variations: none in the regular models but there a TON of foals
Also own none of these...

2010 Treasure Hunt
Mold: Othello/Wintersong
Theme: The Four Seasons
Horses to Buy: Spring, Summer, Fall
Prize Model: Winter
Variations: glossy models
I have Fall and Spring (both matte) and I just haven't quite decided about Winter yet.

2011 Treasure Hunt
Mold: Weather Girl
Theme: Weather Girl
Horses to Buy: Thunderstorm, Sunny, Partly Cloudy
Prize Model: Rainbow
Variations: Glossy Rainbow, decorator Rainbow
I have Thunderstorm and Sunny

Now what about 2012???
Personally, I think that the "buy 3 or 4 and get one" works better than the confusing stuff they pulled with the stallion/mare/foal versions. There's just too much to even think about there! 
Did anyone else notice that the model prices went way up last year? When the Silvers and LPs were out there they were the cheaper Breyers on the shelves. Othellos were moderately priced. The Weather Girls were expensive! Maybe it's the mold going into the vault for 5 year thingy.
As far as the prize models go, so far there hasn't been a single one that I love, which is why I've never tried to complete an entire hunt. I don't collect (or even like) most decorators, so all those are out. The closest one so far was the Four Seasons, but Summer and Winter were just not my favorites, though Winter is looking more interesting as time goes on (and his price gets easier to swallow). 
I think a new 2012 Treasure Hunt is probably going to happen. It'll be interesting to see what Breyer has in store this year. Will it be limited colors, new molds, glossies, or modified favorites? On that note...

What is THAT!?! It's Hickstead...on the Trakhener mold with a NEW TAIL!!!

so...what do we think of this? They started out with the LPs in the 2006 Treasure Hunt  and gave the mold not one, but TWO new tails. 

(c) Lori Hageman(c) Janice Cox
photos from ID Your Breyer


And then they got the Stock Horse Stallion involved with DZ Weedo

And THEN they started doing complete mane AND tail do-overs
(c) Hilary Hurley(c) Janice Coxphotos from ID Your Breyer

New tails...hmm...personally, I really like the vintage molds, funky short tails and all. Some of the new do's are quite nice as well. I don't know if I really like the LP with the swish tail very much, but I do like the look of the long tail, same on the SHS. I don't really like the POA's new look that well, but I do like Pippin. As far as the Trakhener goes...I LOVE IT! I've always like that nice old Warmblood mold except for the tail. And now there's a new tail! I don't really plan on adding Hickstead to my herd, but if they release a different color with the new tail, who knows? 

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