Thursday, April 12, 2012


I've come to the conclusion that the thing we refer to as "the sky" is actually the bottom of a vast ocean and that yesterday someone busted through it with a really big shotgun. And now it's leaking. Possibly forever.

Rain, and lots of it.

Growing up in a farming community, I appreciate the rain and what it does for the land, but that doesn't mean I like being out in it! Plus I really, really, don't like mud!

I'm pretty busy these days. I've got lots of little painting projects, books to read, classes to study for, work (as usual), lots going on with Whiskey, and  THE BIG MOVE is just around the corner. I'm starting to get that going-to-be-overwhelmed-soon feeling that comes at the end of every semester, only this time there's more on my plate.

My tax return came sooner than I expected, it's not a lot but it's something. It's a new pair of jeans and the rest is going to open a new account specifically for my animal expenses (horse, dog, cats, fish, gecko...)

Whiskey got a surprise yesterday. Me, my uncle, and Natalie hauled her little Russian Arabian gelding, Sunny, out to Wellsville in preparation for THE BIG MOVE. Whiskey was pretty excited to have another "big horse" in the pasture with him. Sunny was more interested in the grass.
(I had plans to take photos and share them here, but it was raining.)

As far as the model horse stuff, I've got 3 Stablemates that have been commissioned to take up my time, but I'm still waiting for 2 of the bodies in the mail. Plus the reference photos need to be printed out, and colors need to be mixed/found.
I also finally caved and bought my Brookside, who I promptly dubbed "The Pink Panther." He's a looker!
The new Appaloosa twins are really nice too, I paid them off and got to take them home last week. Finding the perfect family for them was easier than I imagined, it was like destiny! (I know that sounded cheesy, but really, that's what it was like!)

Now I've got some Walkaloosa twins!

I was surprised to find that the bay blanket insists he is a colt. Now I just need to decide what to name them, something sorta matching I suppose since they're twins, but I don't know how to get it to fit with the parents' names as well (dad is Enchanter and mom is Nancy Drew...oh, boy...)

Well, I guess i'd better get back to the reference photos for the little customs. I'd like to finish them before THE BIG MOVE.

Happy trails!

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